Tuesday, October 6, 2009

How to use fluorescence to help identify a synthetic diamond

The natural diamond is on the left and the synthetically treated one on the right. Check out the distinct difference in fluorescence.

A natural diamond that fluoresces will typically display a blue fluorescence to long-wave ultraviolet radiation and weaker, often yellow fluorescence to short-wave UV. An HPHT-grown, synthetic diamond will usually fluoresce yellow to yellowish green to both long- and short-wave UV, with a brighter reaction to short-wave UV. The synthetic diamonds' different crystal growth structures show up as a distinctive cross-shaped pattern to both long- and short-wave UV. Check out the images above to understand the difference.

Courtesy GIA
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  1. Wonderful Info.
    Handy and easily accessible tool for Jewellers.

  2. Thanks Jaydeep. We will try and keep coming up with similar helpful info.
